Security settings may require modification to run SqlPackage on macOS. Unzip ~/Downloads/ -d ~/sqlpackageĮcho 'export PATH=\'\$PATH:$HOME/sqlpackage\'' > ~/.bashrc To extract the file and launch SqlPackage, open a new Terminal window and type the following commands: cd ~ To uninstall SqlPackage, run the following command: dotnet tool uninstall -g microsoft.sqlpackage To update SqlPackage to the latest version, run the following command: dotnet tool update -g microsoft.sqlpackage More information on the options available with the dotnet tool install command can be found in the dotnet tool install documentation. NET tool, run the following command: dotnet tool install -g microsoft.sqlpackage Installing SqlPackage as a global tool will make it available on your path as sqlpackage and is the recommended way to install SqlPackage for Windows, macOS, and Linux. NET Core SDK v6.0 or later to be installed on your machine. Installing SqlPackage as a dotnet tool requires the. Beginning with version 161, the version number of SqlPackage will match the DacFx version number it is associated with (eg 162.0.52). Previously, SqlPackage had a distinct version number (19) and build number (160.x). SqlPackage version numbering has been adjusted to better reflect the DacFx build number it is associated with.